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The Workers' Compensation Division received 21,832 accepted disabling claims in 2003, a decrease of 1,650 claims from 2002. Employment decreased by 13,600 workers. This resulted in a claims rate of 1.4 claims per 100 workers. This claims rate is a record low
in Oregon.

accepted claims image

Of the 41 work-related fatalities recorded in 2003, 38 of the victims were men and three were women. The youngest was a 16-year-old camp counselor. The oldest was a 75-year-old logger.

Oregon industries by percent image

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Injury/Disease Facts, Oregon, 2003

  • The two industries with the highest claims rates were transportation and public utilities and the construction industry, both at 3.0. The mining industry followed with 2.3. The finance, insurance, and real -estate industry had the lowest rate (0.4).
  • Occupational diseases comprised 13.6 percent of the accepted disabling claims.
  • Of the total 21,832 claims accepted as disabling, 134 were for workers younger than eighteen; 357 were for workers 65 or older.
  • The average age of claimants in 2003 was 40.
  • Claims filed by women totaled 7,115 (32.6 percent).
  • The average weekly wage at time of injury for 2003 claimants was $544.32. The average weekly wage for Oregon workers, excluding federal employees, was $656.04.
  • Workers in their first year with an employer filed 7,272 claims, 33.3 percent of the total accepted in 2003.
  • Ninety percent of the accepted disabling claims came from private industry.
  • Vehicles were the most common secondary source of injury in 2003, contributing in 749 claims.

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If you have questions about the information contained in this document, please contact by e-mail or phone:
Juli Ross-Mota, Research Analyst, Research & Analysis Section, Information Management Division
(503) 947-7359.

The information in IMD publications is in the public domain and may be reprinted without permission.

This document was originally published in March 2005.
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