by Stacey Barnhart
Private sector results based on revised
Oregon workers employed in the private sector during calendar year 2002
suffered work-related injuries and illnesses at a rate of 6.0 for every
100 full-time employees. Of the 63,449 total recordable cases in 2002,
52.7 percent resulted in lost work time.
The 2002 rates are based on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) revised requirements for recording occupational injuries and illnesses,
which became effective January 1, 2002. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS) Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, the primary source
for the estimates of occupational injuries and illnesses in this summary,
is based on employers records of injuries and illnesses. Due to
the revised requirements, the estimates from the 2002 survey are not comparable
with those from prior years. The survey was not designed to determine
the impact of the revision on the estimates of nonfatal occupational injuries
and illnesses.

Industry lost-workday-cases rates
The private sector cases with days away from work, job transfer, or restriction
rate (DART) was 3.2 in 2002. The DART rate replaces the lost-workday-cases
incidence rate (LWDCIR), and includes injury and illness cases that resulted
in one or more days away from work. The following figures compare 1992-2001
occupational injuries and illnesses incidence rates and present 2002 rates
based on the revised requirements.

The highest rate in 2002 among industry divisions, 4.3, was recorded
by the transportation and public utilities division. Finance, insurance,
and real estate reported the lowest rate of 0.8.
Public sector results
The public sector reported a total-cases incidence rate of 6.5 in 2002.
State government recorded a total-cases rate of 5.2, while local government
registered a rate of 7.0.
The 2002 public sector DART rate consists of state governments
rate of 2.4 and local governments rate of 3.3.
National survey results
The total-cases incidence rate for the private sector nationwide was 5.3
in 2002. The DART rate was 2.8, and the incidence rate for nonfatal cases
without lost workdays was 2.5. The Oregon total-cases incidence rate and
DART rate exceeded the national rates by 13.2 and 14.3 percent, respectively.
The Oregon cases-without-lost-workdays incidence rate was 12.0 percent
higher than the national figure. One reason Oregon rates are higher than
national rates is attributable to a higher proportion of Oregons
workforce in hazardous industries.
The number of injuries and illnesses reported in any year can be influenced
by the level of economic activity, working conditions and work practices,
worker experience and training, and the number of hours worked.

Data in this summary are based upon the annual Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) survey which collects data from a scientifically
selected sample of employer establishments across the state. This should
be distinguished from the data collected from workers compensation
claims submitted to the department by insurers.
For further information, or to access the 2002 Oregon
Occupational Injury and Illness tables and appendices, please call the
Oregon Department of Consumer & Business Services, Research &
Analysis Section at (503) 378-8254.
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If you have questions about the information contained
in this document, please contact by e-mail or phone: Stacey
Barnhart, (503) 947-7367, Research Analyst, Research & Analysis
Section, Information Management Division
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(ADA), all IMD publications are available in alternative formats by calling
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This document was originally published in March 2004
[Printed form 440-2081 (03/04/IMD)]