Research & Analysis Section - November 1995
The Workers' Compensation Division received 31,530 accepted disabling claims in 1994, an increase of 789 claims over the 1993 figure. However, employment increased by 66,200 workers, resulting in a claims rate of 2.3. This claims rate remained steady from the 1993 figure, a record low in Oregon.
Disabling Claims 1985 - 1994
Note on Graph: Employment figures based on data
from Oregon Employment Dept.
Claims rates represent the number of claims per 100 workers.
Disabling claims include fatal cases.
Of the 55 work-related fatalities recorded in 1994, 45 of the victims were male, and 10 were female. The youngest was a 17 year-old rock climbing instructor. The oldest was a 71 year-old machine operator.
Oregon Industries, by percent of 1994 Workers' Comp.
Note on graph: Excludes claims in non-classifiable industries.
Claims Characteristics
Sprains or strains of the back were, once again, the most common injury in 1994, accounting for 7,801 claims or 24.7 percent of the 31,530 claims accepted as disabling. This represents a decrease of 2.4 percent from the 1993 percentage.
Type of injury or illness
4,606 disabling claims were accepted in 1994 for falls to working surfaces, and 3,860 for overexertion with boxes or containers (1993 figures: 4,722 and 3,773, respectively).
Source of injury or illness
Part of body affected
Occupation of injured Oregon workers
by Percent of 1994 W. C. Claims
Note on table: Excludes 291 claims with unreported occupations.
The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA) offers a wide range of services to Oregon's employers and workers to improve workplace safety and health. These services include:
For information regarding these programs, contact:
350 Winter St NE, Rm 300
Salem, Oregon 97301-3880
(503) 378-3272 or 1-800-922-2689
Facts in this leaflet are excerpted from Oregon Workers' Compensation Claims Characteristics, 1994
If you have questions about the information contained in
this document please contact by e-mail or phone :
Kathy Thomas,
Assistant Manager, Research & Analysis, Information Management
Division (503) 947-7308
This document was originally published in November
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Printed Form: 440-2055 (11/95/IMD)
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