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1994 Workers' Compensation Premium Rate Ranking

Research & Analysis Section - October 1994

Oregon employers pay, on average, the 32nd highest workers'compensation insurance premium rates in the nation. This represents a significant drop from Oregon's 1992 position of 22nd.

Oregon's premium rate index is $3.70 per $100 of payroll. National premium rate indices range from a low of $2.26 in Indiana to a high of $6.98 in Louisiana. Sixteen jurisdictions have premium rates above $5.00; 12 are in the $4.00 - $4.99 range; 17 more are in the $3.00 - $3.99 range; and six are under $3.00. Indices are based on data from 51 jurisdictions for rates in effect as of May 1, 1994.

Classification codes from the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) were used in this study. Of the 557 active classifications in Oregon, 50 were selected based on relative importance as measured by percent of losses. To control for differences in industry distributions, each state's rates were weighted by Oregon 1988-1990 payroll in the selected classifications. Listed below are Oregon's rankings in the top 10 of the 50 classifications used:

Clerical Office Employees....................27
College or School Professionals...........43
Hospital Professionals.........................38
Retail Stores........................................22
Logging or Lumbering........................43
Meat/Grocery Combined- Retail..........33
Saw Mills..........................................47

Workers' Compensation Premium Rate Ranking 1994
[A  table]

Rates vary by classification and insurer in each state. Actual cost to an employer can be adjusted by the employer's experience rating, premium discount, retrospective rating, and dividends.

Employers can reduce their workers' compensation rates through accident prevention, safety training and by helping injured workers to return to work.

This Web page is a summary of a more detailed report. To obtain a copy of the "Oregon Workers' Compensation Premium Rate Ranking, Calendar Year 1994" contact the person listed below.

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If you have questions about this information please contact by e-mail or phone :
Heather Ferrin-Myers, Research Analyst, Information Management Division (503) 947-7338

This document was originally published in October 1994.
Document URL: http://www.cbs.state.or.us/external/imd/rasums/wcrank94.htm
Printed Form: 440-2082(10/94/IMD)

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