Numerous commentators have singled out Oregon’s workers’ compensation system as a national model of labor-management cooperation, leading to innovative programs that produce desirable outcomes for workers and affordable costs for employers.
The 2014 Report on the Oregon Workers’ Compensation System was the 12th in a series that describes Oregon’s workers’ compensation system and shows the effects of legislative changes since 1987. The 12th edition added statutory changes made by the 2013 and 2014 legislative sessions and updated summaries of court decisions and available data.
Updates to most of the data tables are now available, representing the latest available data. Most tables provide data through calendar year 2014, and are arranged by chapter as in the original report. Links to the corresponding chapter of the original report are provided for each chapter of updates. The chapter narrative and charts have not been updated to reflect the new data; that process will continue to be done on a biennial basis. The next complete report is expected to be ready in late 2016.
Safety and Health
Updated Safety and Health chapter statistical tables include:
Accepted disabling claims, employment, and claims rates, 1987-2014
Occupational injuries and illnesses incidence rates, Oregon private sector, 1988-2013
Oregon OSHA inspections, federal fiscal years 1988-2014
Oregon OSHA citations, violations, and proposed penalties, federal fiscal years 1988-2014
Oregon OSHA consultations, 1988-2014
Safety and health training programs, 1998-2014
Oregon OSHA safety and health grant programs, 1989-2015
August 2015 Safety and Health statistical table updates
Safety and Health chapter of the 2014 System Report
Compensability and Claims Processing
Updated Compensability chapter statistical tables include:
Reported claims, FY 1989-2015
Disabling aggravation claims, 1991-2014
Disabling occupational disease claims, FY 1989-2015
Insurer claim acceptance and denial, median time lag days, 1988-2014
Insurer timeliness of acceptance or denial and of first payments, 1990-2014
Civil penalties issued, 1990-2014
Calls to the workers’ compensation information line, 1990-2014
August 2015 Compensability statistical table updates
Compensability chapter of the 2014 System Report
Advocates and Advisory Groups
Updated Advocates and Advisory chapter statistical tables include:
Ombudsman for Injured Workers inquiries, 1999-2014
Small Business Ombudsman inquiries, 1991-2014
August 2015 Advocates and Advisory Groups statistical table updates
Advocates and Advisory Groups chapter of the 2014 System Report
Medical Care and Benefits
Updated Medical Care and Benefits chapter statistical tables include:
Medical payments by fee schedule category, 2014
Top 15 workers' compensation physician services, 2014
Top 15 workers' compensation non-physician services, 2014
Top 15 workers' compensation revenue codes, 2014
Top 15 workers' compensation pharmaceuticals, 2014
MCO contracts with insurers and self-insured employers, CY 1995-2014
Employees with accepted disabling claims enrolled in MCOs, 1998-2014
August 2015 Medical Care and Benefits statistical table updates
Medical Care and Benefits chapter of the 2014 System Report
Indemnity Benefits
Updated Indemnity Benefits chapter statistical tables include:
Indemnity and medical benefits paid, CY 1995-2014
Indemnity benefits paid for accepted disabling claims, CY 1995-2014
Indemnity paid for accepted disabling claims by benefit type, CY 1995-2014
Workers' Benefit Fund payments by benefit type, CY 1995-2014
Claim resolutions, 1995-2014
Average temporary disability days paid by type of claim resolution, CY 1995-2014
Temporary disability for resolved accepted disabling claims, CY 1995-2014
Permanent partial disability, CY 1995-2014
Permanent total disability awards, 1987-2014
Maximum PPD benefits, since July 1986
August 2015 Indemnity Benefits statistical table updates
Indemnity Benefits chapter of the 2014 System Report
Return-to-Work Assistance
Updated Return-to-Work Assistance chapter statistical tables include:
Employer-at-Injury Program placements approved, CY 1995-2014
Preferred workers, CY 1991-2014
Preferred Worker Program contracts started, CY 1988-2014
Vocational assistance determinations, CY 1987-2014
Vocational assistance eligibility closures, plans, and outcomes, CY 1995-2014
Employment and wage recovery advantage for return-to-work program users, FY 1997-2014
August 2015 Return-to-Work Assistance statistical table updates
Return-to-Work Assistance chapter of the 2014 System Report
Updated Disputes chapter statistical tables include:
Appellate review requests and orders, 1991-2014
Medical dispute requests and orders, 1990-2014
Medical dispute issues, by year of request, 2007-2014
Vocational dispute requests and resolutions, 1991-2014
Vocational dispute resolutions, by outcome, 2009-2014
Alternative Vocational dispute resolutions, by outcome, 2009-2014
Hearing requests, orders, time lags, and appeal rates, 1987-2014
Percentage of hearing orders involving selected issues, 1987-2014
Workers' Compensation Board mediations, 1996-2014
Issues in WCB mediations, 1996-2014
Board review requests, orders, time lags, and appeal rates, 1987-2014
Board own-motion orders, 1987-2014
Court of Appeals requests, decisions, and time lags, 1987-2014
Median time lag (days) from injury to order, 1987-2014
Disputed claim settlements at hearing and board review, 1987-2014
Claim disposition agreements, 1990-2014
Disputed claim settlements, 1987-2014
Claimant attorney fees and defense legal costs, 1987-2014
Claimant attorney fees, 1987-2014
Claimant attorney fees from lump-sum settlements, 1989-2014
Maximum out-of-compensation attorney fees
August 2015 Disputes statistical table updates
Disputes chapter of the 2014 System Report
Insurance and Self-Insurance
Updated Insurance and Self-Insurance chapter statistical tables include:
Workers' compensation premiums and rate changes, 1987-2015
Workers' compensation average premium rate ranking, 1986-2014
Workers' compensation market share, by insurer type, 1987-2014
Earned large-deductible premium credits, 1996-2014
SAIF Corporation financial characteristics, 1987-2014
WC insurance plan (Assigned Risk Pool) characteristics, 1987-2013
Private insurers' financial characteristics, 1987-2014
August 2015 Insurance and Self-Insurance statistical table updates
Insurance and Self-Insurance chapter of the 2014 System Report
Full Report
2014 Report on the Oregon Workers' Compensation System, full report